Welcome To:
EASW 101
This is a free course provided to encourage you to find out more about EASW, and to help you decide if it's a field that you are interested in pursuing. The amount of information available throughout the site may seem overwhelming, so this is an introduction which covers the basics. The structure provides objectives, concepts to cover, a defined reading list and a short assignment for you to complete...... In time we hope to provide further courses to continue your education, widen your experience and build confidence and accreditation.
Recommended Readings and Resources:
Concept 1
Let’s connect with nature
Arriving at the EASW session
The importance of the breathe.
Concept 2
What is Equine-Assisted Social Work (EASW)?
Concept 3
What do we mean by complement social work practice?
Concept 4
How does the social work code of ethics factor into EASW?
Concept 5
Why is EASW effective?
Concept 6
The need to establish a practice model for EASW.
Week 1: Assignment
1. Take the quiz below
2. Please write a process recording
The process recording should define and describe your understanding of EAS at the intersection of Social Work practice, theory, and the Social Work code of ethics.
In your process recording, please focus on:
​Your reaction to the concept of EASW.
Your previous experience with horses or nature.
Your thoughts about horses and nature from the videos and readings?
Your feelings about social work practice in the company of horses in their natural environment?
Please email the process recording to info@equineassistedsocialwork.org, and add your name and module number in the subject line.
You will receive feedback from Dana Spett, DSW, within seven business days.